Alexander Technique
At Westbourne Medical Studios we offer lessons in the Alexander Technique with a qualified Alexander Technique teacher, who will help you become more aware of how little effort is required to use your body effectively. Learning this powerful tool for change and self-development can bring about many significant improvements in your health, wellbeing, performance and general functioning.
People of all ages and abilities can benefit from lessons in the Alexander Technique; it is a very practical skill which can bring about many constructive changes in our lives.
Some of the benefits you may experience from learning the Alexander Technique:
- Increased freedom and ease of movement
- Relief from stiffness, pain and excess tension
- Improved co-ordination and balance
- Help with rehabilitation after injury, illness or operations
- Better awareness of how you use yourself in your activities
- Finding more ease at work
- Discovering more confidence
- Becoming more in touch with your emotions