Voice Analysis Electro Encephalogram
"…..if you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy frequency and vibration.”
Nikolai Tesla
“Energy is all there is ….it just changes form one form into another” Donna Eden
Welcome to the world of VAEEG, short for Voice Analysis Electro Encephalogram:
An exciting and innovative software system which utilises bespoke sound files to promote emotional balance and wellbeing.
Through exclusive analysis of frequencies extracted from recordings of the voice, the VAEEG system generates complex interpretations of the emotional and often linked physical processes of the client.
These frequencies are tailored using highly sophisticated algorithms which were developed in Europe over three decades ago by a multidisciplinary scientist.
After their individual recording has been made, the client is then issued with their own prescription of Balance files - a set of personalised frequencies. These are generated exclusively for the client and usually are no longer than 15 minutes in length, to be listened to on average 3 times daily and/or at night through external speakers.
Often categorized as Bioresonance Therapy, one should rather view this method as homeopathic frequency information for the brain, aimed at providing information to the brain by a set of audible frequencies, which can be listened to through normal headphones with a frequency range from 20-20.000 Hz.
When we are monitoring how well and how deeply the information played to the brain is accepted, we take into account both the current condition of the client’s brain and also on an individuals’s emotional receptivity
The aim is for the Balance files to promote emotional wellbeing and kickstart the body’s own self healing processes when working optimally for any client. Results are always encouraging, together with all the positive changes that having improved emotional balance can bring.
The main side effect may manifest as fatigue - usually after receiving too much information to the brain at once.
These highly bespoke Balance Files are an extremely safe and effective tool for any complementary modality looking to support mental and emotional balance, and spread some positive good vibrations across the brain and beyond.